We recommend that you authenticate each route to ensure your route is secure and used only inside your Zendesk instance. You need to do the next following:
1. Add an if statement to the top of your route(you can find a code snippet when creating a new route). For this case, we'll use x-api-key header to check if the request has authentication.
2. Click on the Secrets menu and add a new secret. Name it API_KEY and give a value. Make sure to copy it somewhere, because you'll need it in the next step. Click on Create secret button.
3. Click on the button with the Zendesk icon to open the modal. Click on the Open in Admin Center button. Then, click on the Edit button In the Actions menu. 4. Scroll down to Authentication section. Select the API key option specify x-api-key in the header name and use the value you saved before. Click on the save button.
5. You can see that authentication is settled in the modal window. Now, you can test the webhook with trigger and test ticket.
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